Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th April 2025

St Columba's College, King Harry Lane, St Albans AL3 4AW

Online Entry

Trophy awarded to Best Herts Player in each section

5-Round Swiss tournament in 5 sections
Games are submitted for ECF rating only (Not FIDE rated)
Eligibility to play in a rating-limited section is based on ECF 1st March rating list

Open  •  Challengers 2050  •  Major 1900  •  Intermediate 1750  •  Minor 1600

Free Parking for over 200 cars
Bookstall by Francis Bowers Chess Supplies
Analysis Room

Breakfast: 9.00 am until 11.00 am.
Hot Food: 12.00 noon until 4.00 pm.
Hot & Cold Drinks, Sandwiches & Snacks are available throughout the day.
Our caterer has no facility to handle cash. Payment is by CARD only.

Chief Organiser: Ray Claret

Chief Arbiter: ECF Arbiter

Control Team: Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell (lead), Martin Hill, Ian Cross, Paul Lawrence, Stuart James

Contact: Lubo Botev
Telephone 07746 317979 (mobile), or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.